I initially balked at paying $125 for a domestic movie- I usually don't like paying that much for a single movie (except Jackie Chan films, which is another story) but after a few months of thought I finally gave in and bought the thing. Hey, I had no heavy financial responsibilities and thus had disposable income to throw around. (Ah, those were the days...)
Not long after I blew all that cake, I start to see Tron Special Editions going for about $90...
...and then down to $50.
Of course, I also noticed they were filling the racks with them, so if you didn't want one now, they would be in plentiful supply if you ever changed your mind!
This happened to me a few other times, especially whenever I was buying a sci-fi movie. Once, I bought Start Trek: First Contact for about $45, and soon after I would see LD copies going for no higher than $18!

Too bad these things aren't worth much nowadays. Ever since then I have learned to temper my enthusiasm with just a little more patience. DVDs cost a lot less anyway.
(and yes, I own the Tron Special Edition DVD, so stop laughing.)