My Tron Laserdisc story...

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My Tron Laserdisc story...

Postby Herculean Platypus! » Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:43 pm

Back when laserdiscs were still (relatively) common, I used to look forward to Special Editions. Despite their high price, I always thought they were worth it, as my purchases were limited to movies I really, really liked and could probably watch a few dozen times (or more) over the course of my lifetime. Imagine my joy when Disney announced the release of Tron, one of my childhood favorites! :happy2:

I initially balked at paying $125 for a domestic movie- I usually don't like paying that much for a single movie (except Jackie Chan films, which is another story) but after a few months of thought I finally gave in and bought the thing. Hey, I had no heavy financial responsibilities and thus had disposable income to throw around. (Ah, those were the days...)

Not long after I blew all that cake, I start to see Tron Special Editions going for about $90...

...and then down to $50.

Of course, I also noticed they were filling the racks with them, so if you didn't want one now, they would be in plentiful supply if you ever changed your mind!

This happened to me a few other times, especially whenever I was buying a sci-fi movie. Once, I bought Start Trek: First Contact for about $45, and soon after I would see LD copies going for no higher than $18! disgust

Too bad these things aren't worth much nowadays. Ever since then I have learned to temper my enthusiasm with just a little more patience. DVDs cost a lot less anyway.

(and yes, I own the Tron Special Edition DVD, so stop laughing.)
:angry1: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Postby tron » Sun Mar 18, 2007 5:20 am

The only time I remember even seeing a laser disc in person was when I was about 8 or 9. The school had bought one for "educational" movies, the funny thing is that the teachers were all tech illiterate and thought you could just touch the bottom of the discs. Sure enough the discs got dirty to point that the dang thing skipped and they declared it must be "broke" not realizing they could have saved over $2000+ by simply cleaning the bottom with a dab of soap. [bigsmile]
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Postby Herculean Platypus! » Sun Mar 18, 2007 11:39 am

When I was in college, I returned to my old high school for two years to help run their local-broadcasting system in their audio-visual department at night. They had upgraded to laserdisc players, but I don't think they saw too much use, either. Since I had plenty of down time at night, I usually rented LDs and watched them there in between switching programs for the school. :glasses8:
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Re: My Tron Laserdisc story...

Postby Herculean Platypus! » Tue Sep 16, 2008 3:03 pm

I found a bootleg trailer for the upcoming sequel! :o

Click Here

(My inner geek just de-rezzed) :wink:
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Re: My Tron Laserdisc story...

Postby systemcat » Tue Sep 16, 2008 11:23 pm

Herculean Platypus! wrote:I found a bootleg trailer for the upcoming sequel! :o

Click Here

(My inner geek just de-rezzed) :wink:

I think in July? I saw a couple links for trailers over Tron 2 in another forum. Tried to get yuh the link for the good one, HP. If you think that link looks cool, you should have seen the full screen trailers I saw. ...Think either Disney or another production company found out about the links and took them off. ..Bet that's why they can't be found now.

Have you heard any thing about the release date? To my knowledge it's either going to happen some time in '09 or '10.

Erin :cat:
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