Stars of Kegan ... teaser

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Stars of Kegan ... teaser

Postby ladyfreebird » Thu Jan 17, 2008 8:22 pm

Enjoy the little teaser. :-)

"Stars of Kegan"

written by.. grayladyfalcon

Teaser ...................

On a hot and humid night, a lone figure walks slowly down a dimly lit
street carrying a plastic grocery bag. Most of the houses that lined
the street were dark, while others were still lightly lit. The figure
turned up a small walk-way then turned to the right of older 2 story
house. Walking on a narrow path, the figure approached a small flight
of stairs that led down to a door. The figure reached into a pants
pocket and pulled out a key ring with three keys on it. Inserting one
of the keys into the door lock and turning it, the door opened. A
moment later, a light brightened the room.
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Postby systemcat » Fri Jan 18, 2008 1:48 am

Post more of it when your ready ;).

Erin :cat:
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Postby ladyfreebird » Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:40 pm

I will. When I get the story further along, I'll post more. :-)

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Postby ladyfreebird » Thu Apr 10, 2008 5:41 pm

Okay, I decided to go ahead and post the whole teaser to my story. This however will be the only posting about this story until I'm completely done with it. Then it will only be sent to people that request it through private mail. It will not be posted in the whole until I have registered it under my name and have proof of copy rights. I'm hoping this story will become a book or a novelet.

graylady :articuno:
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"Stars Of Kegan"

Postby ladyfreebird » Thu Apr 10, 2008 5:44 pm

"Stars of Kegan"

written by.. grayladyfalcon

Teaser ...................

On a hot and humid night, a lone figure walks slowly down a dimly lit
street carrying a plastic grocery bag. Most of the houses that lined
the street were dark, while others were still lightly lit. The figure
turned up a small walk-way then turned to the right of older 2 story
house. Walking on a narrow path, the figure approached a small flight
of stairs that led down to a door. The figure reached into a pants
pocket and pulled out a key ring with three keys on it. Inserting one
of the keys into the door lock and turning it, the door opened. A
moment later, a light brightened the room. The figure walked across the
room to the small kitchen, placing the grocery bag on the table then
walked to the other side of the kitchen. Sliding a hand down the wall
next to the doorframe, after finding the light switch, flipped it up.
The figure walked slowly back over to the table and started removing
the items from the bag, placing the items on the table. The items that
were to be refrigerated were gathered together, then each item was
placed inside. Closing the door, the remaining things were stacked in
the cupboard. The light from the kitchen dimly lit the outside walkway
through a small window. Inside the person was moving about the kitchen.
A short time later the kitchen light went out and the figure walked
back into the small living room. Sitting down and pulling up a TV tray,
she switched on the portable television, picked up the dinner plate and
started to eat. First thing they noticed on the news was about a
drive-by shooting. A moment later, there was the report of a tragic car
accident that took the lives of a family senselessly due to a drunk

Shaking her head. "What is this world coming to? A drive-by shooting
that happens right in front of their own home. Then a drunk driver,
taking the lives of that family. I bet it was better living in the past
where you didn't have gangs or drunk drivers," she said.

The news continued with the weather. "It's going to be another hot and
muggy one again tomorrow. This heat wave will continue throughout the
week, with little chance of relief," the weather-man said.

"Figures," she replied, placing the plate back down onto the table. She
stood, took the plate back into the kitchen and washed it, placing it
in the dish rack. Then she proceeded back in to the living room and
shut off the television. Slowly she walked towards the bathroom,
flipping the lever to the plug up, and started running the bath water.
Then she then closed the door. A short time later, the woman emerged
with a towel wrapped around her head and a robe on. She was rubbing her
head with the towel when she walked into the living room and noticed
the light on the answering machine was blinking. She walked over and
pressed the play button.

"Hello Sheona, this is Mr. Miller. I know you were going to start your
vacation tomorrow,but Laura called in. It seems she had gone in to
labor earlier than expected. Could you come in and work tomorrow, just
until about 1 pm? Give me a call when you get this...bye."

Sheona stood there for a few moments, shaking her head. "I should have
known. For the past five years this had happened just when I'm getting
ready to go on vacation. Why should it be any different this year?"
Sheona stood there and thought for a few moments. "I could pretend I
didn't get the message and start my vacation as scheduled." Sheona
removed the towel from her hair and placed it on the table next to the
phone. She picked up the phone and started dialing Mr. Miller's phone
number. The phone rang a few time before it was answered.

"Hello?" the voice said.

"Mr. Miller? This is Sheona."

"Oh, Sheona, I'm sorry I had to call you on short notice like this. I
know you've been looking forward to your vacation for several months
now. But, I really need you to work tomorrow, just for a few hours. You
and Laura are the only ones that know these people that are coming in
for this meeting," Mr. Miller said.

"Is it those investors from Japan?" Sheona asked.

"Yes, and you two are the only ones that can speak their language,"
Miller replied.

"And I can leave and start my vacation as soon as the meeting is over?"
Sheona asked.

"Yes, Sheona .. I really need your help. I'll give you an extra three
days of vacation, with pay," Miller pleaded.

Sheona thought for a moment. He's always kept his word, and he did take
a chance on hiring me after I moved here. "I'll be in at nine o'clock,"
Sheona said.

"Thank you so much Sheona, good night," Mr.Miller said, as he hung up
the phone. Sheona hung up the phone. She turned and started walking
back into the bathroom, carrying the towel she had placed on the table.
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Postby ladyfreebird » Mon Apr 28, 2008 4:53 am

Okay, here's another up-date.....

I'm working on the last episode of Season 1's scripts for Erin. Then I'm going to take a couple of days off and during those days off, I'm going to start writing on my own story.

graylady :articuno:
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