Star Trek (Original Series) with Updated Effects.

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Star Trek (Original Series) with Updated Effects.

Postby Herculean Platypus! » Mon Apr 09, 2007 10:15 pm

This is old news, but I still find it fascinating. I also want to preface this thread by saying I enjoy Star Wars & Star Trek equally. Having said that, I always thought George Lucas really got off track by putting in a little too much "new" imagery in the old Star Wars movies.

Most of the changes didn't bother me, but the few that did really stood out. (Greedo firing first and the Jabba scene, for example.) [schock]

When I heard they were making changes to the old Star Trek series, I initially thought of a lot of bad jokes comparing Star Trek to Star Wars (I'll post 'em if you want to read 'em) but having seen the changes on a website (and reading about the philosophy behind those changes,) I have to say this doesn't really bother me... as far as I can tell, just from looking at website previews and not the actual episodes.

Here's the link to the articles with the images, if you haven't heard about this yet:

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Postby systemcat » Mon Apr 09, 2007 11:30 pm

I've been a Star Trek fan for a really long time and bummed to say I've never seen any of the TOS updated effects episodes. To what I understand they air when I'm normally at work so maybe when these episodes move when they're being played I'll get to watch.

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Postby Herculean Platypus! » Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:05 am

I'm hoping they'll put them on DVD- that's my only way of seeing them, as I don't have a decent working TV in my house.
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Postby Hawkfan » Tue Apr 10, 2007 6:41 pm

Well, this is new news to me. I didn't know they had updated the special effects. I would love to see those updated episodes! Although I must say, to me the dodgy special effects have always been part of the charm of the original Star Trek series.

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Re: Star Trek (Original Series) with Updated Effects.

Postby Herculean Platypus! » Tue Apr 17, 2007 11:19 pm

Herculean Platypus! wrote:When I heard they were making changes to the old Star Trek series, I initially thought of a lot of bad jokes comparing Star Trek to Star Wars (I'll post 'em if you want to read 'em)

Okay, since no one requested them, I'm going to post them anyway! ;)

Anyway, I can't wait for this, because I've been waiting too long for them to finally fix and insert all the changes Roddenberry wanted but couldn't because of the limitation of 1966 technology!

- You'll be thrilled to see Kirk step on the tail of the Horta!
- Remember that episode where all the phasers have turned to swords? Well, now EVERY episode has swords!
- Andorians now have disgusting beaks added to make them more menacing.
- Windows have been added to all the ship's corridors to remind viewers that the series takes place in space.
- Navigator Hikaru Sulu will now be completely CGI, simply because it is possible to do so.
- Kirk will finally utter the phrase, "Beam me up, Scotty", as he never actually said this phrase in the series; a serious oversight.
- It will be revealed that transporters are powered by midichlorians.

Gene Roddenberry wrote:I'm overjoyed that they're doing this- it will really give TOS the needed kick that it deserves for the 21st century. Oh, are you wondering how I'm able to comment on this despite being dead? You can thank CGI technology! Oh, and by the way, I just finished watching Revenge of the Sith up here in Heaven and it stunk like Romulan asparagus, big time.

No word on whether the Klingons will be the lobster-headed variety...

Well, if it were up to ME, I would have made some fairly radical changes:

-Alex North's score seems pretty dated; I would replace it with Billy Ocean's "Carribean Queen". (" Boldy Go Where No Man Has Gone Before! cue music: She dashed by me, in painted-on jeans...")

-To fix the problem of Klingons not being of the lobster-headed variety, this situation would be remedied by CGI cowboy hats on all Klingons, because Klingons of TOS were slaves to fashion, although they would never admit it.

-The Enterprise would have flames painted on the sides of the secondary hull.

-All Klingon cruisers replaced by Imperial Star Destroyers, putting the debate on "who's tougher" to rest.

-(Insert Your Own "Chekov's Russian accent" joke here)

-Lt. Uhura would be given a first name. Or a last name. Or something.

-More mini-skirted female crewmembers would be added to the backgrounds to shots.

-In one episode, Spock would be given a pointy tail and a pitchfork, just to see if anyone notices.

-In another episode, Scotty would be given a pointy tail and a pitchfork, just to see if anyone notices.

-Updated computer graphics would also be heavily utilized to tone down Shatner's acting.
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Postby Hawkfan » Wed Apr 18, 2007 5:55 pm

Thanks for posting these after all, HP :icon_smile:

My favourites are the Sulu one and the one about Shatner's acting!

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Postby systemcat » Thu Apr 19, 2007 10:23 am

'K I know this these aren't TOS jokes but read them on a site months ago and I still think they're funny.


Reasons Why Captain Janeway Is Better Than Captain Picard

1.One word: hair
2.More hair than all previous Star Trek commanding officers combined.
3.Drinks coffee, not that sissy "Earl Grey" stuff.
4.Beams down to the planet like real Captains should.
5.Mutes the doctor when the doctor gets out of line.
6.Hasn't let an adolescent pilot the Federation flagship -- yet.
7.Commanded ships blown up: Picard: 2 Janeway: 0
8.Voyager needs a female Captain. Its Captain must be willing to admit they're lost and pull over for directions.
9.Picard likes to talk his way through. Janeway likes to punch her way through.
10.Hasn't quoted Shakespeare -- yet.
11.Looks better in sleepwear.
12.Isn't French with an English accent.
13."Take this cheese to sickbay!" I don't know why this is here, either, but I loved that line!
14.Will give you two days off to ponder your lifeshattering experience.
15.When Janeway lands her ship, it can take off again.
16.Janeway says "I don't like you!" to her enemies instead of trying to convince them to behave better.
17.To comfort children, Janeway cares for them in a loving motherly way. Picard sings a French...about a monk...who can't wake up for morning bells.
18.The only children on Voyager can be turned off at will.
19.Janeway has a First Officer with a tattoo.
20.She doesn't have any pesky Federation Admirals to get in her way.
21.Three words: Compression Phaser Rifles.
22.Acknowledges freely when she breaks the Prime Directive instead of trying to weasle her way out of it with philosophical ramblings.
23.30 episodes without surrendering the ship.
24.30 episodes and Wesley has yet to save the ship.
25.Janeway's holo programs create useful things like doctors and lungs. Picard's holodecks create maniacal evil geniouses who yet again take over the ship.
26.She doesn't need to straighten her uniform every time she stands.
27.Janeway has never worn green tights and frolicked about in Sherwood Forest. However, if she did, she would look fantastic!
28.Kirk looked good in ripped shirts; Picard looked good without a shirt; Janeway would look... no, they can't do that on network television.
30.Doesn't force her crew to wear awful outfits, unless it is to blend in with a primitive planet.
31.She doesn't waste time learning foreign languages. All lifeforms in the Delta Quadrant speak perfect English.
32.Her engineer does not wear a bananna clip over her eyes.
33.Slouches in her chair even in critical life-threatening moments.
34.Doesn't have a Counselor on board (thank God!).
35.Her telepath only lives nine years.
36.Janeway heard the words "boldly go where no man (er, woman) has gone before" and took them to the extreme.
37.45,000 light-years is one thing. Every point in the universe instantaneously? That's excessive!
38.Picard tells alien cultures, "I hope our two cultures will one day come to a greater understanding." Janeway threatens them with "the deadliest of force".
39.Janeway's Security Chief would never grow a ponytail.
40.The high point of Enterprise cuisine were scrambled eggs that only Worf could stomach.
41.Janeway doesn't have to point which way to go when they set off.
42.Maintains an elaborate hairdo that would baffle even Princess Leia.
43.Has mastered facial expression understood by all to mean, "Boy, Paris, are YOU ever stupid."
44.Cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese. I can't help myself!
45.Hugs her Vulcan from time to time.
46.Has a more manly voice.
47.Doesn't have a starship that splits in half when it's in a tight spot.
48.Has a dog and a significant other, not some damn fish!
49.Kes. Troi. No contest.
50.Neelix. Replicator. Ok, this one's debatable.
51.At least she doesn't have to yell "Hot!" at her cook every time she wants something to drink.
52.Her ship has neat-looking folding warp nacelles.
53.Her CONN officer actually went through the Academy.
54.Her CONN officer can use contractions.
55.Her first officer has a halucinogenic device.
56.None of the crew members' relatives have ever tried to take over the ship, invade the Federation, steal a starship, or enslave all humankind.
57.To help her relax, Janeway's first officer helps her contact her spirit guide. Picard's first officer helps him get . . . to Risa.
58.Riker never smiled at Picard that way.
59.Q asked Janeway to run away with him and she refused. Q asked Picard's girlfriend to run away with him and she accepted.


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Postby ladyfreebird » Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:06 pm


great ones Erin....

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Postby Herculean Platypus! » Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:53 am

Apparently the remastered episodes are on DVD now! [schock]

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Postby systemcat » Sun Dec 02, 2007 2:03 am

That would explain why seasons of TOS have gone down in price. Just wish Paramount would lower the cost of the other shows too. Not that I want the others remastered. If I ever can pick up TOS on DVD it will be the original version of it.

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Postby Herculean Platypus! » Sat Dec 15, 2007 4:36 pm

I just looked at the price for one season- $200!!! [schock]

I know that I can get it about 40% cheaper elsewhere, but there is also the fact that I would be paying for an extra set of HD-DVDs- and I don't have a HD-DVD player.

I've been burned by the format war before, and am not eager to repeat the experience- it costs too much money.

Once the dust settles on the debate over Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD, then I will make a decision. By then the price should have dropped as well. I'd like to get this, but I'm prepared to wait years if necessary- I am extremely patient in matters such as this!
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Postby systemcat » Sat Dec 15, 2007 11:44 pm

I'm not waiting to see who wins out. To how I see it the common person sees no reason to buy the Blu-Ray or HD-DVD format. Why buy either when plan DVD seems good, I like it. All three are disk format and can hold lots of information per disk, some formats more than others. Twice in the last week I've seen cheap seasons of TOS for sale. I'd love to buy them but the sum of 64 dollars which I've been seeing as the norm, has to go towards bills [skepti] .

Plus I've been waiting to buy another season of VOY. Wanna get that first, already have a couple seasons of it :).

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Postby Bexter » Sun Dec 16, 2007 3:04 am

The recently showed the updated version of The Menagerie here at one of the boutique cinemas. I almost went but it was on late, we live a long way away, would have had to find a babysitter for the kids, it was a Tuesday night on a school night and I though "Blah.... can't be bothered" however I'm sort of wishing that i had.

Having read the lists of changes, I must say I'm not keen on the Andorian one as they were in Enterprise as they were in TOS so to change it in TOS then stuffs up enterprise. Also in Enterprise they explained why in the TOS there were a whole load of non lobster headed klingon so I think it would be good to leave them as non lobster headed if you aske me.

I LOVE the "why is janeway better than picard" I have seen it before years ago but it was nice (and funny) to refresh.

At the moment we are collecting all the series of DS9. I think DS9 was my fave series, I just got to love the charecters more. I did love Voyager but towards the end it just lost it!!!, very dissapointing.
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Postby Herculean Platypus! » Mon Dec 17, 2007 12:30 am

Bexter wrote: Also in Enterprise they explained why in the TOS there were a whole load of non lobster headed klingon so I think it would be good to leave them as non lobster headed if you aske me.

I've used the term myself before, so there's no reason why I should giggle- but I just crack up every time I hear the phrase, "lobster-headed" when referring to Klingons. [bigsmile]

(I suppose that makes me a racist against Klingons...)

Actually, I'd buy the updated versions if I could get them without the HD-DVD discs. A standard-def DVD is still good enough for me, too. :)
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Postby Bexter » Mon Dec 17, 2007 12:44 am

Yes lobster-headed is a really cool term isn't it!!

I wonder if it is possible to be racist against a fictional race of aliens. I'm sure there is some idiot somewhere who would take offence to it.
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