Ok, what just happened with Armageddon 2419 AD. really has me bummed. I spend a lot of time scanning, resizing the images, naming, make loads of PDFS, compiling the PDFs into bulk ones, uploading the files, contacting the company, waiting nearly a month for an answer .....
I thought about this in June and at least one good thing has come out of wanting to post Armageddon 2419 AD. Online file storage outside of the 26th Century's FT P ( < so a false link doesn't come up ). The thought in June was adding in other scripts after Bomber's Moon.
I'm only going to post season one episodes due to not wanting any one on my case even if I brought my own copies of season two episodes.
Within the next few days at some point expect to see the aired pilot of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century: Awakening, enter the site.
The other episodes will be added later as I get side money over the coming months to buy them. Script City doesn't have every episode of season one. So I'll post what I can till I find the missing scripts.