Reviews for Star Trek: Mestral

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Reviews for Star Trek: Mestral

Postby systemcat » Sat Aug 26, 2006 6:16 pm

From the paperback entitled, Star Trek Strange New Worlds 09.

This is My review of the short story entitled "Mestral," by: Ben
Guilfoy. Who is the screenwriter and cartoonist for ST(R).

For any one in the mood to sit down with pop corn. And watch Star Trek:
First Contact, this story is the perfect pre-cursor to read before
doing so. Even before the character who is called "Zee," for most part of
the story. Cracked open his labtop computer to show to. Mestral, who
through out the whole of this tale. Zee thinks the Vulcan's name is
Micheal. I had already guessed who Zee was. The story is fast placed,
with nice flowing descriptions used to help move it a long.

Any one care to add another review or comment on the story at hand?
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Postby Hawkfan » Wed Aug 30, 2006 5:06 pm

So this is from a book that has a collection of short stories?

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Postby systemcat » Wed Aug 30, 2006 7:35 pm

Ya, nice book so far too. I'm reading it sightly out of order, but then again it is just a collection of sort stories. So who's really to say how it should be read. By the way Mariet when I was running over episode 8 in it's round three. I'm sure you didn't mean to do this but, "Loaded for beer?" I had to change that back, it may have been funny to read but it made no sense. I'm not upset that you did that, so don't worry. Um, further on the book; it's a bunch of Star Trek stories on all of the shows. Might not be easy to find it right now. The book just came out, Ben gave me the heads up about it's release.

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