Quantum Leap

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Quantum Leap

Postby QL Damsel » Sun Dec 31, 2006 12:22 am

This is more my speed... Scott Bakula, Dean Stockwell and the rest of the cast that made Quantum Leap what it is! :)

This is my time traveling crew. :) Give me a talking Hologram, a man trapped in time putting things right that once went wrong, and wanting him to leap home... yeah... that's the ticket for me.

I know... I know... grow up and get a life, but I can't! I can't! I... I just can't! *Teehee*

What do you guys and gals think of Quantum Leap?
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Postby systemcat » Sun Dec 31, 2006 1:59 am

It's a good show that I didn't get to see till after it went off air. What got me watching it was a friend came up to my apartment unannounced while I was watching Enterprise. She said I shouldn't have turned off the TV cause of her so we watched it together. I don't think she'd ever watched Enterprise before, because more then once she kept saying what other show she'd seen Scott Bakula on. Got me into peeking at QL after that night when it would come on the sci fi channel. At one point the sci fi channel had it on at midnight and I'd normally watch it then. Since that got stopped, when ever I catch that it's on and I have the time.

Erin :cat:
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Postby ladyfreebird » Sun Dec 31, 2006 7:48 am

Sorry to say, I've only watched a few episodes of QL. That was several years ago. :oops:

graylady :articuno:
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Postby QL Damsel » Sun Dec 31, 2006 10:15 am

I don't know if you cats get Netflix, but Quantum Leap (I believe all the seasons now) seasons are out there. I haven't done it to my husband yet.... but I'm sure that I will soon.

I do have all of the episodes on tape, all of the books and 1 comic book that I won from Al's Place. :)

I can pretty much tell you anything that you'd want to know and if I can't, I can find someone who can.

I got interested in it when I was in high school. Went over to a friend's house who said that she was enamored by this man and show and I went to spend the night and bam... instant fan. I can't help it that the man is hot! *blush*

So, I'm a big fan... what can I say. *G*
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Postby ladyfreebird » Sun Dec 31, 2006 2:44 pm

I know what you mean QL. But I fell in love with a different show. The title of this forum should give you an idea. [ok]

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