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Re: Episode 28

PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 5:30 pm
by systemcat
ohboy wrote:This episode was nice, since it went into Buck's past, but it was a little confusing without the help of a television screen. Mainly, it was hard for me to visualize the Generational Mass, and that made bits of the story hard to read.

However, this was a great story besides that fact. I can't wait to read the next episode, which will hopefully be sooner than the gap between this and 27. Great job!

By the way, in your response to episode 25, you mentioned something about a World War Three. In the Buck Rogers 26th Century canon, was there a World War Three. I only ask because I may be able to incorporate that in a story.

Thanks for the review, this episode was a kick to write in how it was done. Out of order, it was very easy to write certain parts for it and then insert them later on as between scenes. ..Does that make sense in how I wrote it :lol: ? In the 25th Century series what I call World War 3 is called the Holocaust. ...I have an issue with that name :x . Jewish blood nuff said. But in the 25th Century series it was a nuclear disaster involving the US and USSR ..think that says right there how long ago the last TV series was written.

Erin :cat:

Episode 29

PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 8:31 pm
by ohboy
Been too long between reviews, but I finally finished reading episode 29! :D

This was a nice episode, because it gave more insight on Wilma's past, and Wilma is not a character that is focused on in terms of plot development throughout the episodes. I can't wait to read the continuation. This was a blend of action, and some subtle humor, mostly when the heroes interacted with the prisoners. Nice job!

From what you told me, I made sure to pay attention to this one, and I'll be sure to pay attention to the next one as well. I just hope that I don't have to wait over two weeks to read the next one... Good lord, I remember when I could read two in a day... :(

Re: Episode 29

PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:47 pm
by systemcat
ohboy wrote:Been too long between reviews, but I finally finished reading episode 29! :D

This was a nice episode, because it gave more insight on Wilma's past, and Wilma is not a character that is focused on in terms of plot development throughout the episodes. I can't wait to read the continuation. This was a blend of action, and some subtle humor, mostly when the heroes interacted with the prisoners. Nice job!

From what you told me, I made sure to pay attention to this one, and I'll be sure to pay attention to the next one as well. I just hope that I don't have to wait over two weeks to read the next one... Good lord, I remember when I could read two in a day... :(

Thanks :). The episode in the beginning was two different episodes not meant to be broken into two parts like how it turned out. Barney or a.k.a Black Bart's introduction was meant to be one story and the basic idea behind part two was meant to be an entirely different story. Felt the two ideas worked better together is being one big story. Strangely enough 37 was planned a long time ago before I had even thought up this story idea and this story made me change 37 for a number of reasons.

Now to give a connection to people reading this post that might have missed this in the Star-Port. Ohboy is going to be writing a few episodes in season three connected to this episode plus the other two mentioned in this post.

For people looking forward to 37. It's been sent off the Mariet for it's round two proofing but it might be a while before it's seen on the site. Shes sick :( and health comes first in my book :).

Erin :cat:

Episode 30

PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 12:12 am
by ohboy
I'm pretty much caught up with my work, so I thought I would take advantage of that situation. I got this episode done as well! :D

This was a wonderful episode, certainly the basis for many episodes in the future, as I had better know. A lot to take in, and I have a few questions about this, but I don't want to ask them here because they may or may not be plot spoilers. Besides, I'm sure that you'll give me a review of events at hand before the next season.

Back to the review proper, though. This was a very action-packed episode, and while it took the focus off of Wilma for a bit, it put some on Bart. Is he going to be a more active character? Well, whatever happens, I can't wait to catch up on some more reading, and hopefully get the rest of the episodes done before you start season 3.

Re: Episode Reviews

PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 10:49 am
by systemcat
Thanks for the review :color:.

Bart is one a character I can easily picture writing in later episodes but so far I haven't found a use for him in any episodes I've written since Metamorphosis. Now for the rest of responding to this review ..I'll have to PM you. Plus I need to start getting ready for work.

Erin :cat:

Episode 31

PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:25 am
by ohboy
I couldn't sleep, so I thought I would catch up on a little reading. I was very pleased that I did. :)

One thing I really liked about this episode was how light-hearted it was. That is not to say that I don't enjoy the serious episodes, but there have been so many of them lately that you planned the light hearted ones well. In the "Draconian Wars", I have plans to make some more light hearted, but I had to set the scene first.

There were many funny parts in this episode, mostly towards the end and the scenes where Buck is trying the revised version of his beloved childhood games (trying not to reveal anything). It flowed well, and even during the serious parts, it didn't seem as somber. Hawk was a good character to bring here, considering his commentary towards Buck was nice to hear.

Overall, a wonderful episode, and one of the best to date! [ok]

By the way, thought I would mention it here, since one off-topic comment would lead to a sub-series on the website. I haven't read "The Island" yet, but I probably will create a Nova Fleet Two for Curtis, if it is what I think it is. Thanks again for the title, I appreciate the thought put into it. :D

Re: Episode 31

PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 6:44 pm
by systemcat
ohboy wrote:I couldn't sleep, so I thought I would catch up on a little reading. I was very pleased that I did. :)

One thing I really liked about this episode was how light-hearted it was. That is not to say that I don't enjoy the serious episodes, but there have been so many of them lately that you planned the light hearted ones well. In the "Draconian Wars", I have plans to make some more light hearted, but I had to set the scene first.

There were many funny parts in this episode, mostly towards the end and the scenes where Buck is trying the revised version of his beloved childhood games (trying not to reveal anything). It flowed well, and even during the serious parts, it didn't seem as somber. Hawk was a good character to bring here, considering his commentary towards Buck was nice to hear.

Overall, a wonderful episode, and one of the best to date! [ok]

By the way, thought I would mention it here, since one off-topic comment would lead to a sub-series on the website. I haven't read "The Island" yet, but I probably will create a Nova Fleet Two for Curtis, if it is what I think it is. Thanks again for the title, I appreciate the thought put into it. :D

Thanks for the review and welcome :D.
This was one of the few episodes where for 25th Century fans could off the bat see where the initial idea came from. The Might of Mice was the last one before this where that happened. It's also ones of those ones that I'm proud of with how the telling of a sci fi story can trip off reality and get away with it due the information being read is fictitious.

These episodes flip back and forth on being serious & light hearted. Comparison & contrast, wait till you hit Feather Dusted and War Cry. Those episodes are polar opposites to each other.

I knew it would happen the moment I wrote those words last night. "There is no Nova Fleet Two," and you know what? I think it's cool I was right about you getting an idea from that fact :) 8).

Erin :cat:

Episode 32

PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:18 am
by ohboy
I couldn't sleep again, so I thought that I would read another episode on my journey to getting all caught up.

This was a fun episode, but one that was limited because it was on paper. On television, this would have been even more funny. :lol: Of course, the ending was also touching, as was Buck and how he acted in scene 4, and what ended up happening to him as a result. This went well, and the introduction right up until the last sentence was fun. Wonderful!

I can't wait to read the next one, because I want to see what "The Island" has to say about the Nova Fleet. I have some idea about what I am going to do the third story on, but I wanted to read that episode before continuing. Plus, I have a rather tight workload at the moment, which is probably why I can't go to sleep...

Anyways, great episode. :D

PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 9:06 pm
by systemcat
Enjoying what you do with your insomnia, just kidding :lol: :P!
The episode was meant to be the nuttiest thing I've written for the series so far, now as for what happened to Buck .. Logic will go where it has to even when insanity seems to be reining :roll: .

Erin :cat:

Episode 33

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:04 am
by ohboy
Happens quite often when I have a full workload, but I couldn't sleep again, so I thought I would try to get as caught up as I could with reading.

This was an odd, but entertaining episode, in the sense that at the end, it's not really known if it really happened or not. This was nice to see the old Draconian soldiers, and after reading this, and other mental outlines for story 3, I think I can write it now (when I get the time).

This was a great episode also in the fact that it introduced a new character, Dr. Goodfellow. I don't know if he is going to be more prevalent, but it is always nice to have a wide range of characters to choose from when writing an episode, and I can see him fitting in quite nicely with the rest of the cast.

Great job, and I think I can also put a use for the Nova Fleet.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:45 pm
by systemcat
Thanks for the review :).

Goodfellow isn't a new character, he came into the series in 'Back to the Skies'. It all did happen, this is one of those episodes really worth noting, hint hint ;).

Erin :cat:

Episode 34

PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 1:05 am
by ohboy
One month and a half-week later, I finally read and finished the next episode. I'm trying to get completely caught up, so I'll be back on my regular regiment of one episode a day until I finished them.

Anyways, I could see a lot of interest in this episode. It brought back a theme that was mentioned many times in season 2 and the end of season 1, and I think that it was smart to play on tensions between Hawk's people and Buck's people, and then placing Hawk in the middle. This was a great episode, blending in many of the characters from the past, and turning it into a wonderful episode. This is actually one of the episodes that would probably be funner to read than it would be to watch, but I don't know until I would watch it.

Great job, and look forward to finishing the series to the present episode.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 11:16 am
by systemcat
Thanks for the review :glasses7:. Wild but this episode got commented on in a conversation between Hawk and another character in 39. It's brief but you'll know referencing when reading. Know one thing as for watching it as a show, I'd love to see the ships. While this series may be a remake if you ever get the chance to watch the 25th Century episode: Time of the Hawk. You'll see more to the War Cry story than what was written.

Erin :cat:

Episode 36

PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 1:32 am
by ohboy
This was a great episode, and it was nice because it focused on Twiki, a character that is not much used in the series (at least in my opinion). This also presented an adventure-like episode, which was pretty good and hasn't been done in a while. The episode flowed smoothly throughout, although the action portion escalated sharply towards the middle and end, which worked well for this story.

Overall, great job! Sorry, but I don't really have much else to say about this.

By the way, about Episode 37, I'm still working on it, but I can see why you would think it was hard. Sorry for how long this may take, but I'm still working on a smooth transition to implement my idea.

Re: Episode Reviews

PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 10:41 am
by systemcat
Thanks for the review on episode 36 :wink: . This story concluded a line of stories that all sprang out of one episode idea back in the early days of the series. Episodes 6, 7 and 28. The ideas together didn't look good for a single episode and I'm glad I didn't put them all in one episode ..think the series wouldn't have as many readers :roll: .

Thanks for the update on episode 38 too. Remember you can bend your half and my half by little rewrites of mine if necessarily. :)

Erin :cat:

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