Okay, I suppose I should respond to that, shouldn't I?

Actually, I got idea of a broken name from "The Island". I believe that one of the Draconians, Tear-Daaon, had a broken name. The main reason that I decided on a broken name was for the purpose of seperating, in my own mind, this series from "The Draconian Wars". Since I mostly refer to Charles and Curtis there, which are human names, I had to make it distincly alien so I wouldn't lapse and try to give it a "Draconain Wars" feel. I hope that makes sense.
Actually, Theopolis not being used was a double-edged sword in his story. I thought that it would be a lot harder to describe Piccard's mistakes if he had the council of Theopolis right next to him. Plus, that would have all but eliminated the need for Piccard to discuss the problem with Huer. Of course, the bad side is that there is no explanation given, which could be confusing.
Anyways, my thoughts on the episode. I had fun writing this. It was nice to take Buck, Wilma, and Fox, and give them two problems: a crazed terrorist group, and the mistakes of the bumbling Dr. Piccard. I actually like how Piccard plays into the series. I think that he fits, because his personality clashes so well with the serious nature of Buck and Wilma. He'll probably be used again here and there in the main series, for small roles. I might have him play a bigger role in "The Draconian Wars", when I get the time and inspiration to revive the series.