From the Ashes Amazon

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From the Ashes Amazon

Postby systemcat » Sat May 19, 2007 12:19 am

I'm not going to add this to From the Ashes till it's coding is done and I know people like what it has to offer. From the Ashes has teamed up with, this team up has given From the Ashes it's own online stores. One is for DVDs and the other is for books. I wanted it to be more but the categories weren't there. In the DVD shop %98 of it's listings are TV shows, the only ones that aren't are ...

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century ( 30's movie )
Hercules & Xena: The Battle For Mount Olympus
Star Trek ( all movies collection )

The TV shows are ... Please tell me if this list is ok, I couldn't find all the series I wanted to find ( plus I could only list 54 items in the shop ).

BattleStar Galactica ( all series )
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Dark Angel
Dr. Who
The Greatest American Hero
Quantum Leap
Red Dwarf
SeaQuest DSV
Space Above and Beyond
StarGate SG-1
Star Trek ( all series )
Super Friends

These are the ones I found as books ...

BattleStar Galactica ( old & new series )
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Dark Angel
Dr. Who
Green Lantern
James Bond
Lost in Space
Quantum Leap
Red Dwarf
SeaQuest DSV
Space 1999
Star Trek
Star Wars

Why it's mainly TV shows is for the most part that's the fan fic on From the Ashes.

Erin :cat:
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Postby systemcat » Sun May 20, 2007 1:21 am

Well I have no idea if people like the idea of From the Ashes Amazon or not. But for anyone interested it's fully up now and linked through out the whole of FTA. If people would like to see any changes in it just tell me.

Erin :cat:
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