Edgar Rice Burroughs

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Edgar Rice Burroughs

Postby Preem Palver » Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:27 pm

Do you have any plans for working with any of the Edgar Rice Burroughs books. One of his most famous was Tarzan. Although most people are familiar with the movies as either Saturday Matinee Serials or movies with Johnny Weismueller, he wrote other series.

John Carter series, takes place on Mars. Pelucidar - a pre-historic world beneath the earth's crucst. The Moon Men seris and the Venus series.

They were great books and to the best of my knowledge. None of these were made into movies, let alone TV shows.
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Preem Palver

Postby systemcat » Fri Jun 02, 2006 1:16 am

I'm grateful to you for noticing this forum linked into the website. Since you never said who you were pointing this question at, I'm guessing it's me. I've never read anything from Edgar Rice Burroughs before. In fact I never knew before your post he'd written sci-fi, so that has my interest now on what he wrote. The only two classic authors I've ever read are Robert A. Heinlein and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I started writing the Buck Rogers series for a few reasons, these are two of them. One, of those reasons is lots and lots of ideas for sci-fi stories. Two, I feel I have a good enough knowledge over it to write it. Almost at one point I was going to write a Star Trek story. But every one who read my post on the idea, shot me down on it. There's so much for Star Trek that I think it would be really easy. For some one to mess up on writing for it. I think I would like to do another add on to another classic. Shame I've never read Burroughs work before. Else it would be an easy bet I'd be getting ideas right now for stories.

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Postby Herculean Platypus! » Mon Mar 05, 2007 6:48 pm

I highly recommend Burroughs- I've read ALL the Barsoom (John Carter of Mars) series and two of the Pellucidar books. (I've never read any Tarzan novels, though- not my taste, I suppose.)

I've been trying to track progress of hte upcoming Hollywood version of John Carter of Mars- should be interesting to see how they screw it up. :toimonster:

(not sure if that smiley applies- but I just had to use it!)
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