BatZilla98 wrote:How long do you think the Searcher has been searching at the end of The Dorian Secret?
What are some 25th century words or phrases you can think of?
More to come when I think of them.
Sorry I haven't been on in a while, my computer pooped out and I had to get it fixed.
It's ok BatZilla98

. A couple summers ago I had two computers break within a few weeks of each other

. I hope you don't mind but I had to move this topic. The Episodes section is for talking about the 26th Century series

Your questions, well I think one or two, season two episode scripts were written & not produced. They might have been set past The Dorian Secret ( as for info ). ..I only started to read part of one. I'm sure there's fan fic that focuses on the further journeys of the Searcher. Graylady has written some stories that continue where the series left off. I say if the series had continued it's story line might have divided in half. Some stories that would have Buck on Earth, still working directly with the Defense Directorate and others where he'd be called to duly upon the Searcher.
Sayings in the 25th Century ..the first one that rings to mind is "biddi biddi biddi"
