Booming in a good and bad way

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Booming in a good and bad way

Postby systemcat » Wed Feb 11, 2009 4:57 pm

I don't want to say this I mean I REALLY DON'T WANT TO SAY THIS. I have to pause site work for a while. No need to worry that my imagination has gone dry. I still have plenty of ideas in regards to this work it's just other work some paying work has to take priority over this.

Work for jassian, creating images for a video game (not of my own making), artistic work for another webmaster and painting a cover for a book to be published.

When life is back to normal I'll be giving you guys better updates. Please don't give up hope over new stories :).

Erin :cat:
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Postby ohboy » Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:58 am

Hmm. Well, things are going to be quite desolate without you popping by regularly, I daresay the way things are going, I'm going to be carrying on conversations with myself on most days. :lol: If you see the whole Starport completely filled with me talking /ranting to myself, it means that I've finally gone mad. :)

Anyways, good luck with the other work in your life. Be sure to update us on how those videos are coming.
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Re: Booming in a good and bad way

Postby systemcat » Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:25 am

Oh I still visit the forum daily, you won't be talking to your self much if you say when you'll be in the Star-Port, for recent days I have yet to catch either you or jassian on.

Erin :cat:
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Postby ohboy » Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:05 pm

Actually, truth be told, I haven't been in the Star Port for a while, mainly because things have been quite hectic lately. However, if you ever did want to set a time that you would be there (and it would have to be in the evening, I'm afraid), I'll certainly do my best to make it.
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Postby ohboy » Tue Feb 17, 2009 1:21 am

So, how are things going, systemcat, with all the commitments? I'm starting on story 4, and I think that I will have that finished much sooner than the story 3, as soon as this wave of work passes through (which should only be a few more days).

Have a nice week, and remember to take time and relax. :D
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Re: Booming in a good and bad way

Postby systemcat » Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:39 am

I don't have much time to post, so two birds with one stone.

The loading time is bothering me too and I wonder if it's some how connected with those outages the forum had the other day. If this issue continues please tell me because I don't always notice things like that with my connection. Ladyfreebird, please tell me what kind of message the forum gives you when you try to log on. This might be some thing I can easily correct in the Admin. panel. I think one of those artistic projects might be finished soon. Very fast my idea for the book cover seems to be pleasing the author but the work needs to be adjusted a little.

PS: I will catch up in my reading, I am very curious about what's going on for the DW series.

Erin :cat:
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Re: Booming in a good and bad way

Postby ohboy » Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:11 am

systemcat wrote:The loading time is bothering me too and I wonder if it's some how connected with those outages the forum had the other day. If this issue continues please tell me because I don't always notice things like that with my connection.
Erin :cat:

I'll be sure to. This problem has already been going on probably since at least the beginning of the year, to give a time frame, but if it does continue in the weeks and months to come, I'll say something.
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