systemcat wrote:It's a good show even own season one to it. It's one of the things that inspired me to come up with the 26th Century series. When the new Dr. Who came on air that's what made me take the idea off the back burner and finally start writing it. Sadly haven't been able to catch it recently but to what I've heard it's gone down hill some. With the fact that Earth is going to be found soon what do you think is going to happen to the series, Trekscaper? .. any one?

I do not think that BSG is going downhill. It is still very good show. Have no problems with it. The only thing people complain is what they have done with some characters: starbuck, apollo, helo and baltar.
And Earth will not be found this season by the galactica, but only 1 will find Earth, possible a cylon.
The ratings are going downhill unfortunate, holding steady on a rating where Farscape was cancelled for. I think BSG will get a 4th season. But after that???