Episode Reviews

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Episode 37

Postby ohboy » Tue Dec 23, 2008 1:38 am

Well, I finished another episode, two days in a row, which is much better than two weeks in a row, or two times a month, eh? Plus, I'm now caught up to the present point in the story, so I should now know everything that is going on! It feels good to finally be on top of that, after six months or so of being on the forum.

Anyways, to get off of rambling on, this was a very fun episode, and one of the most enjoyable so far of season 2. I must say, I think that this is a wonderful way to involve the Houton, and still make it a light-hearted (to some extent) episode. The story ended on a good note, making the humor aspect appear, even in the rather dismal situation that the rest were in. Wonderful episode, and another success for you!

I wonder who's writing the Episode 27 review :lol: (which by the way, I now have the idea formulated that I can use, and tomorrow morning am planning on at least getting to Act 3)?
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Re: Episode 36

Postby systemcat » Tue Dec 23, 2008 9:12 am

Good analysis of the episode :glasses7: but I think I should say some thing as to being caught up. What did you think of 'A Judgment of Hell'? :wink:

ohboy wrote:I wonder who's writing the Episode 27 review :lol: (which by the way, I now have the idea formulated that I can use, and tomorrow morning am planning on at least getting to Act 3)?

..Maybe this is because I've had less than five hours of sleep thanks to an insomnia issue. But I'm confused.

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Postby ohboy » Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:43 am

Oh lord! I skipped one... Well, I suppose that I have to go back and edit titles, and then hope that this doesn't get confusing. Sorry.

As for the statement, I meant episode 38, in the sense that I am writing part of it, but you wrote part of it, so who is going to be reviewing it on this thread?
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Episode 35

Postby ohboy » Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:28 pm

Alright, I think I now have everything in order. I counted which episode was the present episode, and everything seemed to work out correctly, so I should NOW be all caught up. Even though they are a bit out of order.

Anyways, this was a rather interesting premise for an episode. I always think that it is interesting in the series when you combine the science nature of Buck Rogers, on which the show was based, and then add some type of supernatural element. It usually works well for the series, and this episode was no exception. It flowed well throughout, and the only part I was a bit confused on was at the beginning, when the doctor was in the desert. I didn't quite understand why he was there, and what that symbolized.

However, you did a great job on this episode! [ok]
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Re: Episode Reviews

Postby systemcat » Wed Dec 24, 2008 1:33 am

Thanks OB 8).

He'd been reliving the same events for thousands of years with a sense of hopelessness over his fate. I'm not going to say what he did but I thought it was an easy guess what happens to an amphibian that's been in the hot sun for too long. Think that has to be one of the darkest things I've ever written for this series so far.

As for the reviews over 38 when it comes out. Mariet has always given me a review in the email sending me the proofed version of the story so I'll share that. As for the other reviews I get by email ..that's been random since the series started but I think I can count on one Yahoo group creator to speak her mind over it. Your DW series is non-canon but 38 is canon so it effects my writing over the series. Looking forward to it OB :).

Remember never say your sorry to me but please don't edit those posts. Every body makes mistakes. Heck I've made a few here and I run it but I'm not going to correct the posts showing my mistakes.

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Postby ohboy » Wed Dec 24, 2008 11:15 am

I hope there's not a problem. The only thing that I edited was the episode numbers, so the review would fit the right episode. Otherwise, review 35 would go with episode 36, or something like that.
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Re: Episode Reviews

Postby systemcat » Wed Dec 24, 2008 10:13 pm

I just looked at the posts, no problem with what you did. In the future always run stuff like that by me first.

Happy Holidays every body.

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Re: Episode Reviews

Postby systemcat » Thu Jan 01, 2009 11:12 pm

Mariet's review of episode 38:
I enjoyed the episode. Very appropriate in this cold season, with all the snow and ice. But it also reminded me of the Iraq war, "weapons of mass destruction" indeed. If only Buck could have been there to solve it...

And I suppose the surprise was that you co-wrote this episode with Anthony B.? He did a fine job; the episode was at least as good as any that went before and the writing style was pretty consistent (except for the plural of Garuth :-)

My review of it:

You handled the story well in linking the two halves of it together. A joy to read your work as always, this really makes me look forward to seeing you take on the Houten storyline in season three 8). The only thing that I saw as interesting in the odd sense is how with a bone formed face of the Captain's could make facial expressions :lol: .

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Episode 28

Postby ohboy » Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:49 am

Feels odd to be on the other side of the reviews. :)

Thank you for both of your kind words. I enjoyed this episode, and I did have a hard time deciding on how to continue this episode. But you did a great job to start this episode, and a wonderful premise to continue working on the story. I feel bad for any of the inconsistencies of the story, and I'll try harder not to let that happen again.

One note is that I tried to make the episode end on a more "happy" note. By that, I mean that if I had done the same series in the Draconian Wars, it would have probably ended on a more destructive note. Still, though, I'm glad there were no problems with the story. Can't wait to read/review Episode 29!
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Postby systemcat » Fri Jan 02, 2009 1:17 am

Normally I would never touch a post that has nothing wrong with it in context to forum rules but I think this was a posting error, OB. That last post got repeated twice over.

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Episode 39

Postby ohboy » Tue Feb 03, 2009 11:35 am

Alright, I think that this is episode 39, but correct me if I'm still out of order.

Anyways, this was a good episode, just like the others. It seemed to have a bit more action than the past few episodes (mine included), so that was a nice change. Overall, it had the same amount of quality that you put into the other episodes. Great job!

By the way, after reading this, I have the impression that you are probably going to play around with this theme some more. Just a hunch, since, at least in my opinion, you left the ending a bit open-ended. You don't have to tell me if I'm right or now, but that's my thought on how the plot turned out. Anyways, I'm looking forward to the penultimate episode of season 2!

Oh, and by the way, don't forget to review Story #3 after you finish it. :)
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Postby systemcat » Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:45 pm

Thanks for the review :). This story won't be continuing into the next episode but it will be brought up later ;).

I am going to read the third story, heck I even did a little reading past act one while I was formatting it for the site. Think I should tell people. Between doing work for jassian, doing sprites by request of a guy making a new computer game and artwork for another site upon request from another guy. I need to set site work on the back burner for a week to get every thing in order. ...It's being over busy that made me make that mistake when signing up jassian that had me state her as being under 13 :oops: .

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Re: Episode Reviews

Postby systemcat » Wed Oct 07, 2009 11:02 am

219x "The Blackthorn Rose"

Yes, I know this episode isn't out yet, but for a review teaser I hope this catches your reading interest.

There's nothing I find more enjoyable in reading a virtual series story than when reading it, when written like a TV show, you can picture it as a TV show. This acted well for a one shot and provided characters, well one at least that looks like he could be used later. It was action intense which always when balanced right, I think works great for a Buck Rogers story. The lack of Piccard using Theopolis while at work did strike me as a surprise but for lack of explanation, it still works. I can only imagine with how well Piccard took to filling in Huer's shoes, how well he would have gotten along with Theopolis in using him ..it ..you know what I mean. Now at some where over half a million word count to the series so far as Mike might state it. If I'm remembering series facts right, a new bit in the series. "Glu-cak" might be the first name not of Miahgo origin to have what I think of as a "broken-name". Another new bit, and this one I plan on drawing later today, is the new type of fighter ship introduced. In style like the Z-87 Wolfs, but larger, and not noted to be Juno series. Sounds like it could look cool. The ending did catch me a little in reminding me how one earlier episode had ended but with thinking of inside info given to me from, Anthony over the story, and his way of connecting story dots together. Good 8).

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Postby ohboy » Tue Oct 13, 2009 12:57 am

Okay, I suppose I should respond to that, shouldn't I? :lol:

Actually, I got idea of a broken name from "The Island". I believe that one of the Draconians, Tear-Daaon, had a broken name. The main reason that I decided on a broken name was for the purpose of seperating, in my own mind, this series from "The Draconian Wars". Since I mostly refer to Charles and Curtis there, which are human names, I had to make it distincly alien so I wouldn't lapse and try to give it a "Draconain Wars" feel. I hope that makes sense.

Actually, Theopolis not being used was a double-edged sword in his story. I thought that it would be a lot harder to describe Piccard's mistakes if he had the council of Theopolis right next to him. Plus, that would have all but eliminated the need for Piccard to discuss the problem with Huer. Of course, the bad side is that there is no explanation given, which could be confusing.

Anyways, my thoughts on the episode. I had fun writing this. It was nice to take Buck, Wilma, and Fox, and give them two problems: a crazed terrorist group, and the mistakes of the bumbling Dr. Piccard. I actually like how Piccard plays into the series. I think that he fits, because his personality clashes so well with the serious nature of Buck and Wilma. He'll probably be used again here and there in the main series, for small roles. I might have him play a bigger role in "The Draconian Wars", when I get the time and inspiration to revive the series.
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Re: Episode Reviews

Postby systemcat » Sat Oct 17, 2009 1:21 pm

With permssion, I'm posting Mariet's a.k.a Hawkfan's review of episode 39:
I thought it was a nice episode. I particularly enjoyed the character of Piccard, with all his bumbling! Though it is a bit unrealistic they didn't replace Huer with someone who was a bit better prepared for the job :-)

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