by Hawkfan » Mon Nov 06, 2006 6:12 pm
I must confess that when I read the episodes, I still see Gil Gerard as Buck, Erin Gray as Wilma, etc. But of course they are too old now to be cast in a new series... At least they could not play Buck or Wilma -- but I guess it would be fun if they were cast as another character, just like Buster Crabbe (who played Buck Rogers in the thirties) once appeared in an episode of the Buck Rogers in the 25th Century.
Anyway, about new actors: I don't know this Thomas Kretschmann, but I agree I could picture him as Buck Rogers (from the photo). And I like the idea of Famke Janssen playing Wilma -- if only because she's Dutch, like me!
I like Adrien Brody but I can't really see him as Hawk. Will have to think about an alternative...
Oh and I could see Ian McKellen playing Dr Huer.
Maybe Nicole Kidman as Charisse? (If we can cast McKellen then surely we can cast her too!)