Starfest '08

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Starfest '08

Postby systemcat » Thu Jan 31, 2008 11:44 am

Ya I know this event doesn't start up till April 18th but I'm excited. Recently had my tax prep work done and found out I can't take a vacation :( but I can have a all out fun time at this year's event :). Nearly a year in my book ..I haven't even started work on my costume [skepti] . Not expecting to win that contest. Remember last year's event people had on some amazing costumes and still didn't win. ..I think mine is going to look like "oh she put some effort into it". No sewing machine :(. As for the art contest, hopefully my piece will once more get noted at this one too. I know graylady knows about the car and so does one member ..well might be a member knows. My car could be seen from space. It has just about every color in it and soon I'll be adding 3D art work on to it :colors: . Should be note worthy at an art contest eh? There's some thing said in the FC forum off and on and I think it would be real cool with this. "If any retros are in the area do you want to meet up?" well in the case of this, "If there are any geeks in the area do you want to meet up?" If there's any one here that thinks they could make it out to this year's Starfest that would be great!

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Postby ladyfreebird » Fri Feb 08, 2008 6:46 pm

You know I'd love to make it there this year. But with funds being the way they are right now. It doesn't look like it's going to happen. I can't wait to see a pic of your car and your costume. :-)

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Postby systemcat » Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:31 pm

I understand graylady, money is a bit of an issue with this event for me too. The Starfest staff that I've talked to want the car inside the hotel so I'm going to have to sleep at it .. it's going to take a while to save up for this.. it's the Marriott, thank goodness for convention rates.

Since the car is the most involved of the two art projects I've only started on that so far. ..Um I need screen shot software to get a good start on the Koori costume. Any one care to direct me to a website for that :)? Also where I could get my paws on a cheap digital camera? Last year those pictures were taken by a disposable zooming camera. In my opinion the only high quality shots were the ones taken outside. I do already own a digital camera it's just a piece of crap, one of those dinky Walmart special types.

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Postby ladyfreebird » Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:49 pm

Let me see what I can do about getting you a good pic of Koori. I seen some good shots of her, someplace. <blushing>

I know, those hotels can be pretty pricey sometimes. I really do hope you can go.

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Postby Herculean Platypus! » Sat Feb 09, 2008 12:36 am

systemcat wrote:Also where I could get my paws on a cheap digital camera?

Try here at Circuit City:

Click Here

I see there are some as low as $50, and a few around $80. Of course there are loads more that run even higher. Canon is a good brand, and if you can afford an Olympus that would be even better.
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Postby systemcat » Sat Feb 09, 2008 1:07 am

Thanks for sharing that HP :) but after looking at the cameras I'd have to save up for within my range I don't think I'll be getting one from Circuit City, too many of them relied on rebate deals and I don't trust them. Right after looking at that site I went to Wolf Camera's site. They have more listed online than what they carry in their stores. I found cameras as cheap as 14.99 but I'm not planning on buying one of those.

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Postby systemcat » Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:25 am

Due to being asked for a photo of this car more than once and for lack of a good camera I'm going to show now in some sketches whats on the car. Note some is 2D and some is 3D, with the alien saber-toothed cat it's in many colors and the furry dragon more work is going to be done. Picture swift fast, long & small looking brush strokes doing most of the work along with spray paint underlying the whole thing in multiple colors.


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Postby ladyfreebird » Sat Feb 09, 2008 9:59 pm

I really like the furry dragon and the Phoenix. :-)

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Postby systemcat » Fri Feb 22, 2008 9:32 pm

Thanks Graylady :sunny:

The other day my federal return came in, so ordered the Starfest ticket online :). As for getting a camera, got one today on clearance at a camera shop :D.

More than one person has been asking for these photos so here they are. Please note the car hasn't been washed for a week and the artwork has yet to be completed. The white mark that can be seen underneath the alien saber-toothed cat is from rock salt water dried. And the mark by the end of the furry dragon won't show in the end.










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Postby ladyfreebird » Sat Feb 23, 2008 5:42 pm

Great drawings Erin. Thanks for sharing them with us. :-)

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Postby systemcat » Thu Mar 13, 2008 11:09 am

Welcome :)
I ordered my three day ticket a while back and it still hasn't arrived ..not sure the people running Starfest have had them printed out yet. The car is going to have it's own valet parking spot Saturday into Sunday of the con. and Mike ( PVT ) is coming. The art projects are nearly done this point I'd say my moving dragon has a few hundred scales on it.

This is some thing I found out about through Starfest's Forum. One of it's users screen name "dexter douglas" has a website named He's made a podcast preview of the event and it also talks about past Starfests & movies coming out 'n new to the theater. He did tell me to relay to you guys quote "The one disclaimer I have to give immediately is that I mistakenly said the "Are we alone..." panel isn't about UFO's, but ghost hunting." At one point there is an advert that to those of you who have kids in this forum you might want to decide if they can hear it. Other than that I hope you enjoy this direct link he gave me for the show, it's close to an hour and six minutes.

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Postby ladyfreebird » Sat Mar 15, 2008 6:06 am

I'll try to listen to it later on today after work. I'm sure it's going to be interesting. [ok]

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Postby systemcat » Mon Mar 17, 2008 10:12 am

The guys at yesterday on their show did the 26th Century site and PVT a major favor. They brought up both sites in a shout out because of how I bought up last week's episode. A link for their site can now be found on the main site for the 26th Century, something I was considering doing before this week's show. Here's the link for people who would like to listen. This show's main focus is on "Southland Tales".

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Postby systemcat » Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:44 am

For very writer that does their work solely on the internet.

A while back a member of the Starfest staff bragged "theres a panel every one" ..or some thing said to that effect. I asked in their forum about virtual series.

Check this out :cool: .

The Future of Literature: Collaboration and the Internet"
A presentation discussing digital literature and how the internet is revolutionizing the way authors write and distribute their work. The presentation will be followed by a short competition focused around teamwork and communication.

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Postby ladyfreebird » Thu Apr 03, 2008 7:45 am


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