I can't add avatars to this forum or smilies for that matter

but I could hand them over to scifisite if you want to do this

, I have an FTP folder there.
You right about the music and in fact I don't think this happens on the full screen side of the disk but on the wide screen side you get an extra I think two or three minutes in the beginning that's nothing but music

... oh ya and star field but nothing else. The movie also has a novel adaption done by Alan Dean Foster that has some extra content in it. Speaking of all this extra content, once just for the hell of it I looked up the movie on RottenTomatoes.com, I think it stated there's been five or four releases to DVD for this film. Due to a bit of a lack of bonus features (I've noticed Disney movies tend to have a lot ) for the copy I have. Does your copy have more than the movie's trailer and photo gallery, HP?